Staying Positive
The First Step Towards Success Is...
Positive Thinking Is The First & Easiest Step
The First Step Towards Success Is...
Positive Thinking Is The First & Easiest Step
Dear Friend,
I know you have probably been hammered over the head with the idea of positive thinking.
The world is full of information about positive thinking. Some "gurus" even claim that positive thinking is ALL you need. They think that if you stay positive it is inevitable that positive things will happen.
Dubious claim at best.
There is a kernel of truth here though. Positive thinking may not bring you success on it's own, but it is without a doubt a key indicator of future success.
If you have a distrust about "gurus", what about scientists or psychologists?
I think it's now safe to say that optimism is clearly associated with better psychological health, as seen through lower levels of depressed mood, anxiety, and general distress, when facing difficult life circumstances, including situations involving recovery from illness and disease. A smaller, but still substantial, amount of research has studied associations with physical well-being. And I think most researchers at this point would agree that optimism is connected to positive physical health outcomes, including decreases in the likelihood of re-hospitalization following surgery, the risk of developing heart disease, and mortality. - MICHAEL SCHEIER (Dept Head - CMU Psychology)
This is the kind of stuff that really excites me about positive thinking.
More and more research is being done and it is constantly pointing out the advantages of Positive Thinking.
I don't blame you for being cynical though. I know a lot of people who say:
I Can't Stay Positive
Do you mean you CAN'T ever, or you CAN'T yet?
Because I know for a fact, through my own experience, that even the most negative person can train themselves to think positively.
If you need a hand, I'd love to share what I have learned...Staying Positive .....
The Importance of Positive Thinking !
This Stay Positive guide will walk you through the importance of positive thinking PLUS it will teach you tips that you can use each day to reprogram your mind for positivity.
Topic Include:
1. Intro to Positive Thinking
2. Power of Positive Thinking
3. Characteristics of Optimistic People
4. Obstacle to Optimism
5. Positive Thinking at Work
6. Fear of Failure
7. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
8. Stop Making Useless Comparisons
9. Flexibility: Making Most of Your Tools
10. Conclusion
11. 51 Great Things Positive Thinkers Say
This guide will not solve all your problems, but it WILL put you in the right mind frame so that you can solve them.