About Me
I help individuals find energy, live a healthy lifestyle, and gain the happiness they deserve. From addicts, to adults, and even children – I help anyone who comes my way to take control of their lives.
I help our customers to reduce weight, overcome addictions, minimize cravings, reduce anger, control anxiety, mediate depression, gain energy, sleep better, increase confidence and more. Even if a person just feels a little off or any other struggles, I try to help them feel better than ever before through our services.
I provide Amino Acid Therapy, Nutrition Counseling, and Hypnotherapy to balance the brain, nourish the body, and release negative thoughts and emotions. I can also provide personality tests, group hypnosis, corporate workshops, motivational speaking, and training for hypnotherapists and energy healers (in Amino Therapy).
There are answers to everything! Some answers come in weird ways but THERE IS HEALING AND HOPE. Life matters. YOU matter!

Who am I?
Shelly Jo Wahlstrom, Owner
Shelly Jo, owner of Shelly Jo Hypno, LLC and Shelly Jo Hypno Aminos, is a Certified Addiction Recovery and Mental Health Nutrition Coach specializing in Amino Acid Therapy. She is also a Presenter, Motivational Speaker, and Trainer for Hypnotherapists & Energy Healers who would like to add Amino Acids to their programs.
Shelly Jo has studied the Law of Attraction since her early 20’s and has always been a seeker of truth and light. After studying many books on self-help, motivation and positive energy, she developed a strong belief that the body is meant to heal itself. One must find the right key to healing. Shelly Jo understands just how powerful our thoughts are. Our beings are created mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Negative thoughts and emotional blocks can bind a person down for years and cause havoc on their physical bodies.
She has worked with many children and teenagers who have faced countless problems including: anger, sadness, school work, test taking, fear of going into high school, anxiousness, fear of the dark, sleep fears, and lack of confidence in trying out for sports teams.
- A.C.H.E (American Council of Hypnotists Examiners)
- The Academy of Addiction & Mental Health Nutrition
- Medical Hypnosis Specialist
- Autoimmune Disease Hypnosis
- Hypnotherapy Training School, Dennis Parker
- Northern Utah Hypnosis Center, William Wood
- Hypnothoughts,
Las Vegas NV - Hope Haven Events,
Tammy Anderson Ward
Speaker & Practitioner
- Energy Healing Conferences
Mesa Arizona, St. George, Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Gig Harbor, Washington - Presented to over 3,000
- Supported 885 clients since 2018.

Shelly Jo's Family
Shelly Jo loves her family more than anything else. She has been married 34 years and has three beautiful daughters. Her oldest daughter has a 4-year-old who was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 11 months’ old. Her middle daughter recently overcame Postpartum OCD/Anxiety, has a darling 3-year-old daughter. Her youngest is a recovering addict of drugs and alcohol (with the help of Amino Acids) after living with anxiety since the age of 6 & an addiction filled life for 10 years.
Her hobbies include traveling, snow skiing, camping, wave running, biking, running, competing in 5Ks races & sprint triathlons, singing dancing, having fun, and spending time will all animals.
She became a Hypnotherapist & Coach due to her own life story and passion. She was once a sugar addict, pack-rat, and yo-yo dieter. She's also a mother who went to the depths of Hell and back to fight for her daughter's life and to find answers to help her live her life sober, and now, feels passionate to be able to help others!
Shelly Jo's Favorite Quotes
“We Are Not Human Beings Experiencing Spiritual Lives, We Are Spiritual Beings Experiencing Human Lives.”
“In All Of Living Have Much Fun And Laughter, Life Is To Be Enjoyed Not Just Endured.”
“When You Know Better, You Do Better.”
“At The End Of Every Rainbow Is A New Beginning.”